SEO and the Smartphone - 5 Ways to Optimise for Mobile Devices

Smartphones and Tablets dominate the market. The idea that one might remain connected with others, wherever one goes, is an appealing one. This predominance of mobile computing has not simply expanded the existing market for SEO, but created an entirely new one. Unfortunately, where some websites might appear Optimised for desktop-based users, they can appear poorly laid-out, slow or even not function on mobile platforms. Therefore, we shall examine five ways one might optimise their website for mobile devices.

#1 - Plugins:
Recent years have seen increasing use of resources such as WordPress to create and host websites at low cost. This focus on community-driven CMS platforms is generally seen as positive, and it certainly allows small businesses or self-employed individuals to promote their business easily. WordPress is also handy, as there are a wide variety of both official and unofficial plugins, which enhance certain features of one's website. There are several, for example, that are designed to detect the viewer's system and format the website accordingly. Use of such plugins is an effort-free, simple way to keep one's site functional and available to smartphone users.

#2 - Compatibility:
It is very important to ensure maximum compatibility is reached, with regards to website content. In general, heavy reliance on Flash content is to-be avoided, but this is particularly true for mobile-compatible websites. Many smartphones have difficulty with Flash Player, and even those that can run it may do so with difficulty, often causing much slower load-times for pages. Even if this disadvantage occurs only on mobile devices, it will still affect one's Google ranking, as the search-engine will register mobile users' difficulties in the same way it does desktop users.

#3 - Market Knowledge:
Research is extremely important, particularly when attempting to tap-into an emerging market like this one. Particularly vital here are questions such as "do customers actually shop using phones, or just browse?" and "what sort of mobile options do my competitors use?"

Knowledge on mobile internet users could actually assist in getting the long-awaited edge over the competition, as smartphone users are very numerous, and could help push regular backlinks and site-traffic up.

#4 - Simplicity and Adapting:
Be sure to use up as much 'blank space' as needed (without looking cluttered) when building a mobile-friendly version of your page. Longer load-times, as mentioned, could put-off potential visitors, and damage your ranking, but a small, compact, easy-to-navigate website appeals to mobile users, who are used to the simplicity of 'apps' and a clear layout of options. Be appealing and plain, and there are few things that can go wrong.

#5 - User Interactivity:
The big 'slip-up' for many is thinking that because their website is now mobile-compatible, they needn't do any further work on it. However, it is important to consider how cumbersome interacting with things like text-boxes and frustratingly-small 'check-boxes' can be on a touch-screen. If the user finds it difficult to interact with a website via their phone, they will simply not use it. Thus, try to keep as much interface as possible limited to things like buttons and drop-down menus: quick to load and easy to manipulate on a small, handheld device.

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